Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Health Benefits of Zentangle

The Health Benefits of Zentangle

The integration of Zentangle within contemporary healthcare can give people more tools for improving health. When we practice Zentangle we join body, mind and spirit which enhances our tremendous capacity for healing. We can learn to take a more active role in our own health and well-being. The philosophy of Zentangle in Health Care’ is to support and develop ways of bringing the teachings of Meditation into contemporary healthcare settings for those receiving care and for the caregivers.
Zentangle is a form of meditation, which works remarkably to achieve harmony and helps the mind work in sync with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us? Moreover, stress which in reality is the #1 killer affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional systems can be corrected through the wonderful zentangle practice.
In fact zentangle = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit – a state of eternal bliss.  The meditative practices through zentangle help in achieving an emotional balance through detachment.  What it means is that zentangle creates conditions, where you are not affected by the happenings around you. This in turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body without spending days and weeks to reach it.
In our Health Care System Zentangle can be enjoyed by those receiving care and for the caregivers.  Creating that meditative state can be accomplished in only a short moment by taking out the paper and pen and creating the patterns over and over again. The easy practice of Zentangle helps you reach this place in the mind, where you are not affected by the happenings around you, emotional and physical health in the Health Care System.
According to the National Institutes of Health, people use meditation for emotional health, such as to address anxiety and stress, as well as for physical problems, including controlling pain and symptoms of chronic diseases. Research has found that meditation may relieve depression and significantly improved psychological distress and well-being.

Zentangle for Home School

The Parallel of Zentangle is…                                                                     Home School, Un School, Non School

There is no way to stop your kids from being creative! If they are home schooled, un-schooled or non-schooled, kids who learn at home have a unique opportunity to enjoy the creative process for as long as they wish.
Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. When your child creates a Zentangle, they can create a beautiful piece of art. They also can deliberately create a mood, a focus, a state of mind.

The Parallel of Zentangle & Home Schooling
Like home schooled, un-schooled or non-schooled experiences, there are no correct answers. Zentangle offers both a freedom and a challenge like your kids create each day. Unlike crossword, jigsaw, or Sudoku puzzles, there is no predetermined right answer. You cannot fail to create a Zentangle. At first this freedom can be a bit unnerving. Soon it becomes a freeing and uplifting experience as you realize you can create never-ending, ever-changing “solutions.”

Deliberate Stroke
In Zentangle, you draw each stroke consciously and deliberately. We are always making “strokes” (thoughts, words, deeds) in our life. By taking Zentangle’s inspiration to make each stroke deliberate, you understand how those apparently small and insignificant “strokes” of our moment to moment lives contribute to your life’s pattern.

Deliberate Focus
Just as you make a deliberate pen stroke on your Zentangle, that very act of putting your pen to paper focuses your attention in a way similar to meditation or being “in the zone.” As your eye follows your pen strokes your attention shifts to a state that allows fresh thoughts, new perspectives, and creative insights to flow unhindered by anxiety or effort.

No Eraser
There is no eraser in life and there is no eraser in Zentangle. However, in Zentangle (and in life), you discover that even if you make what seems to be a mistake, you can then build on that event as a new pattern and go in unexpected and exciting new directions.

Unknown Outcomes
Unlike most art, or most activities, you start out intentionally not knowing what your Zentangle will look like. Zentangle takes brainstorming to a new level with its metaphor of “not knowing” and by not planning ahead for an intended outcome. This method supports and inspires participants to build and expand on each new idea unhindered and unconstrained by limiting preconceptions.

Zentangle mimics this universe’s fractal nature. Each stroke creates a tangle (our word for a pattern). Tangles are nested within a string (our word for a line which creates areas within which tangles are drawn). Tiles (our word for our paper on which you draw a Zentangle) can be grouped in mosaics of still larger patterns.

You always succeed when you do a Zentangle because you always create a pattern. A Zentangle has no up or down and is not a picture of something, so you have no worries about whether you can draw a hand, or a duck. You always succeed in creating a Zentangle.
It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well-being. A perfect addition to your home schooled, un-schooled or non-schooled life.

Zentangle for Kids

Zentangle® for Kids

Art is a process.  It is a way of looking at things and performing tasks in such a way that they enhance our everyday lives. It is a way to put things together and make them work in a pleasing way.
Zentangle is a process.  It is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well-being. Zentangle is enjoyed by children of all ages.

Zentangle is Timeless
Creating designs, manipulating symbols and putting pen to paper is part of our human heritage. In a time of keyboards, computer mice, and cell phones our children are missing this experience.  Zentangle allows our kids to return to a comfort and familiarity of timeless, basic creativity putting pen to paper.

Zentangle is Non Technical
Zentangle is not limited by technology. Chidlren’s creativity is not directed by how a company built a particular model,  nor does it need batteries or electricity. Zentangle provides a counterbalance to our increasing use of computers, mice, screens and keyboards. It returns children to that fundamentally human behavior of manipulating symbols and putting marks on paper. Zentangle is not pre-programmed. The children’s creativity is their only limit and Zentangle has a way of increasing and inspiring expression in their creativity.

Zentangle Empowers
The man made distractions have created a noise in our lives, making it difficult for our children to gain and regain control of their inner-self when they need or want it.  Creating a Zentangle is a tool for children to find their inner-self and self-control in easy calming steps. For children to learn they can deliberately relax and intentionally direct their attention while creating beautiful works of art is an empowering and uplifting experience.

Zentangle is Relaxing
Zentangle is another tool for kids, providing a lighthearted way to relax and intentionally facilitate a shift in focus and perspective.  Instead of a time-out, It should be time for a Zentangle.  Then talk and discuss the issue at hand.
Children Can Use Zentangle for
  • Relaxation
  • Journalling
  • Insomnia (Improved sleep by creating a Zentangle before bedtime)
  • Self-esteem
  • Inspiration
  • Panic attacks
  • Modify behavior
  • Create beautiful works of art
  • Nurture and develop creative abilities
  • Relieve stress
  • Improve eye/hand coordination
  • Develop/rehabilitate fine motor skills
  • Team building and group focus
  • Therapy
  • Anger management
  • Addiction therapy tool
  • Early artist development and appreciation
  • Increase attention span and ability to concentrate
  • Home schooling / Non-schooling
  • Design inspiration
  • Stretching and warm-up for artists
  • Stress reduction